From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics

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The clockwork method

The clockwork method

no one teaches you how to determine where to place your anchor points. Most just learn this by trial and error and this is how bad vector-building habits are formed. In this movie, I'll be covering the clockwork method. It's nothing more than a simple way of thinking to help you look at any drawn shape and deduce where to place the anchor points Then look at the 12 o'clock, the three o'clock, the six o'clock, and the nine o'clock positions to help you discern the location to place your anchor points. So let's get started and I'll show you how I use this to build my artwork. So the clockwork method isn't hard. Once again, it all starts in analog, so we're going to take our sketch that we've drawn out and refined, and we're going to place it into Illustrator. In this case, we're going to set the opacity to 20% and lock the layer, and on the layer above it, we're going to begin building this artwork out. Now we're going to go to graphic styles and we're going to select our magenta…
