From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics

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Shape building method

Shape building method

is the simplest and fastest way to build precise vector shapes using nothing more than the Rectangle tool, the Ellipse tool and the Pathfinder palette. Instead of manually building our vectors one anchor point at a time, we'll let the shape tools do the vector construction for us. Because these motifs are more graphic than illustrative, And if we look at the shape and form of this bird, we can start to create it. And so we might look at the head of this bird, select Elliptical Shape and we can just use a circle to encapsulate that as being the shape of the bird's head. Obviously the eye can be another elliptical shape. Actually, just so we can see this better, let's go ahead and increase this to one point. And then maybe you could take your Pen Tool at this point and it'd be easy just to create a little beak. Most of the time, when you're creating, you're going to use both methods. So that's how easy it is to get a bird head. Let's do his body. His body might be a larger elliptical…
