From the course: Drawing Vector Graphics

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Art directing yourself

Art directing yourself

you can develop as a creative is the ability to art-direct yourself. Throughout the entire creative process, you'll want to continually scrutinize your work. It doesn't matter if a client would ever notice something. You're the designer, and if you notice it, then you should be making these types of micro-improvements at each critical stage of development, and you're creating your artwork, at times you're going to see something, and it just doesn't feel right. Don't ignore that. That's a good moment to set your work aside, move on to something completely different, then come back at it later. So you're looking at your work, and you might not even, at that moment, be able to figure out what the problem is. Set it aside, come back later, look at it with fresh eyes, and you're going to notice something. You're going to see something that if you change it, it will improve your overall work. That's all this trick is. All you're doing is taking the time to give your eyes a break and then…
