From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters
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Various builds for character development
From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters
Various builds for character development
- We've already started to build a personality of our characters based solely on their faces and expressions. So now it's time to really amplify that, moving down to the rest of their body and keeping in mind those same design choices and decisions that we've made throughout the rest of this process. First thing I notice when looking at these two characters and their body types is something that I want to change. Similar to how a hero and a villain have different shaped faces, they will have different shaped physiques and builds. So often times our villain won't be as muscular as our hero. Our hero is going to want to be bigger and broader and as we're doing that, as we're thinking about what we want to add or change about his body, remember to keep those design themes in place and when I say design themes, I'm talking about the rounded features that we already chose for him. So we got a new layer going and we're going to just draw right on top of our old body. We're just using that…
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