From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters
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Inking the good guy's face
From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters
Inking the good guy's face
- Now onto the good guy. Using the same brush I was using before, that Rough Inking 2 brush, and I'm going to repeat a lot of the same steps, turning this layer down so I can see the new stuff, make a new layer, and get to work. We're going to start with the face. Again, we're just trying to pick out the lines we like in here and really clean them up and make them nice and slick. Pressure sensitivity comes in handy when you're working in tight areas like this. Eyebrows-- You can lift up that brush to get the nice, fine point. Press down harder to get a thicker line. Love these brushes. He does not look impressed. He's very serious. So we're going to try and keep our design themes and our design sensibilities and all that in check, want to keep it in mind the whole time, remember we're doing more rounded features anywhere we can. And when you look at him, all said and done, it'll show off your intentions, and that it was all purposeful, and he'll really contrast with our sharp…
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Inking the bad guy's face4m 6s
Inking the bad guy's costume3m 39s
Inking the bad guy's body2m 32s
Inking the bad guy's staff and adding line weight8m 46s
Inking the good guy's face2m 31s
Inking the good guy's costume6m 21s
Inking the good guy's accessories and adding line weight8m 43s