From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Inking the bad guy's costume

Inking the bad guy's costume

- Alright, moving on. Let's get this costume all set up. Keeping everything nice and sharp, angular, finding the right lines, adding in the important wrinkles, just like we did on the skin. Less is more. Make mistakes, learn from 'em, try stuff. Just recapping everything we've talked about. So all the while, just to reiterate, I'm thinking about that angular sharpness, pointy nature of this character. I want to carry that through every single portion of this. So we've got it here in the shoulders, here on the sleeve, and we're going to have a whole lot of it here on the tattered edge of this cloak here. Show you that right now. This was an area in our rough drawing where I didn't spend a whole lot of time, I just said, "Yeah, it's tattered there, okay." So, me now, just kind of winging it, and seeing if these points look good. Never know. They might not. I'm gonna go ahead and fix up a couple areas, just for personal taste reasons, I suppose. Can't really tell you why that wasn't…
