From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Exaggerating details to communicate personality

Exaggerating details to communicate personality

From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

Exaggerating details to communicate personality

- After stretching and skewing our body parts and pieces, see if there's any final touches that you want to add to either of these characters. Looking at the bad guy here, these hands don't really fit with his whole vibe, so I'm going to see if there's anything you can add to either of these guys that really says something about their personality, I suppose, like just giving him this open hand with the sharp fingers is more of like, "I'm going to grab your face and I'm a bad guy." It just looks a little bit more menacing. Maybe not that one in particular. Try some stuff out and see, that works. These open-palmed, sharp fingers can add a lot, I think. I'm liking the direction that's going, so I'm going to do the same thing over on this side. And again, be rough with it. This is just exploratory for now. You can tweak it as you go and we will be adding final cleaner lines over this, but I think just looking at that kind of leaps and bounds better than the closed fist. So, I'm going to…
