From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Everything is shapes: Establishing proper proportions

Everything is shapes: Establishing proper proportions

From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

Everything is shapes: Establishing proper proportions

- The very first thing we want to do is simply get your hand moving so let's what that looks like. You don't want to start out drawing thinking you only have one shot or one chance to get it right. So I'm going to be using Photoshop and Photoshop uses layers for a reason. So you can try new things and see if they work. You might be working on paper so most of what I'm doing here, you'll see, I'm taking the digital way out. But we'll talk more about the different ways you could be doing this later. If you are working on paper, you're going to want to make good use of that eraser. Because as you can see here, even digitally, I'm making a whole lot of lines that we are not really going to need. A lot of what we'll be doing, in this course, is trying various things and actually deciding which of those things works for us, for our purposes. You can see I'm being really messy. I'm not trying to keep this clean. It's a lot like a writer will do many, many rough drafts. This is just the first…
