From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Does the prop need a story?

Does the prop need a story?

- It's at this point when I look at these props and I say, okay yeah, these props add to our characters's story, but what's the story of the actual props. So, let's just take a moment, pull out some scrap paper, or a blank layer, and just start thinking these through. Like, okay, what is that snake staff going to look like? Just like our character has his own design, these things need to have a look of their own as well. It doesn't have to be perfect. Again, we're just kind of like thinking out loud. And the cool thing about drawing, that I'm not sure that I mentioned, but it's like one of my favorite things about drawing, is that it takes a long time. And so while you're drawing, you're actually thinking of new ideas and story elements, and. So, even as I'm drawing this snake staff I'm thinking of what's it going to look like? What does it do? What does the glowing look like? What color should it be? Is it old looking? How can I, you know, detail it to make sure that it's old…
