From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Developing props and gadgets

Developing props and gadgets

- Once you're happy with the costumes on each of your characters, ask yourself if it's crucial that they have a prop or a weapon. So, when you're thinking about props and weapons and characters who need those things, think about characters like He-Man. He's got his Power Sword, and he's not even able to turn into He-Man without it, so that's an example of an extension of his character or personality. And this is an example of a very quick Power Sword. There's Green Lantern, which is another example of someone who really needs that prop. All his power is derived from it, so you got Green Lantern. And then there's Ben 10, he's awesome, and he has this watch, called the Omnitrix, and that allows him, again, to use his power to turn into the various alien superheros. So those are props that have to be there, they're part of that character. They would have been in our character profile. So take a look at our own character profiles. I'm going to go ahead and delete my funny layer there. And…
