From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Changes and improvements

Changes and improvements

- This is it, our very last rough draft before we get into finalizing the lines and cleaning everything up. So we want to take one more look at these characters and decide if there's anything we should add or change that's really going to push them to the next level. I want some more uniformity, if that's a word, in the good guy here. So we've got that star emblem on his chest, I'm going to go ahead and repeat that logo all around his costume in a few different places. He should have one on his belt, I think I'm going to do a couple of them on these jet pack shoulder straps, and then one on his gun there. So take a step back, it's looking good. Maybe a few minor details on the boots. A lot more of these little, tiny, accentuating details can come later as well, but once again, the more you're set up for what comes next, the better. Because now's the time to try it and see if it's terrible or not. Like that star belt buckle, may not have been that cool, but I still like it. Go ahead…
