From the course: Drawing Good and Evil Comic Book Characters

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Building a character profile

Building a character profile

- Now that we have our blank bodies, we can start thinking about who these characters actually are. Throughout this course, we're going to be designing a stereotypical good guy and a stereotypical bad guy. Oftentimes, in comic books, there's a writer who will give you a script or a character description for you to work from, but, here, we're on the hook to do that for ourselves. Now that we have our blank canvas body, we can start thinking about who these characters actually are. In this lesson, we're going to be developing and drawing a stereotypical bad guy and a stereotypical good guy. Oftentimes, in comics, if you're the artist, there will be someone else who is the writer, and they will usually give you some kind of character description that you can work with, but if you're making your own book or making your own story, you're going to be writing all that yourself. Whether you're working with a writer or creating characters all your own, you're going to want to stay organized…
