From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

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Work with alternate versions of a package

Work with alternate versions of a package - NuGet Tutorial

From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

Work with alternate versions of a package

- Using the newest, freshest copy of a package is nice, but in the real world, there are plenty of reasons why your project might need to use a specific version of a package. We'll look at how do you install any available package version. Now looking at the NuGet package manager for Tiny Console Core and looking at installed, I can see that I've installed AutoMapper and I'm working with an older version. I'm working with Version 8.8.1. And when I click on this drop down, I can see all of the available versions. Yes, I know we've seen this in other videos. It's nice to have the details in this dedicated video too. So I can move to a newer version, say 9.0.0 by clicking here and then choosing Update. Well, that's an update. What about installing a fresh package? So let's go to Browse. And look for MOQ, with Moq in framework. And by default it will select the latest stable version in this dropdown, but you can see the…
