From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

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Use the console to explore packages

Use the console to explore packages - NuGet Tutorial

From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

Use the console to explore packages

- [Instructor] I'm working in the package manager console. To see a list of the available commands for nuget, type in get-help nuget. And then I can see that these are the main commands. Find-package, get-package, install-package, uninstall and update-package, and more. So we're going to look at this first one, find-package. This is useful if you're not sure what package to install or you want to see a list of available packages. Now I am not going to run it against to start with because there's too many packages there. What I'll do is I'll choose our local feed from this dropdown. And then we'll type in find. What I can see is all of the packages that are in their private feed. So I got automapper, elmah, humanizer and Newtonsoft.json. And this shows me the most recent stable version that's available there. If I want to see all the versions available, I can add parameter, allversions. Now I can see automapper…
