From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

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Tour the sample projects

Tour the sample projects

- [Male Speaker] Let's look at the projects that we'll use in this course. I'm starting with four projects in this Solution Work with Nougat. There are two console applications and two ASP.NET web applications. So I have TinyConsole.Classic and TinyConsole.Core. And I have TinyASPWeb.Core and TinyTazorPages.Core. Each project is a minimal one. I created them to have very few files or references. Hence, the name tiny, because the projects are so simple. It's easy to see the changes made by Nougat. TinyConsole.Core is based on .NET Core 3.1. TinyConsole.Classic, let's do this. We'll open up. This is based on .NET framework 4.7. This allows us to see the different ways that Nougat modifies projects. There are variations depending on where they are done at Core or .NET framework. So let's take a look at the files. We'll close these two tabs, don't need those anymore. So in TinyConsole.Classic, this is the .NET framework…
