From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

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Install the .NET Core CLI

Install the .NET Core CLI

- [Instructor] Now let's look at how to install the dotnet C L I. Now I've already got it installed, and I can verify that here in PowerShell and Windows terminal, by typing in dotnet. That verifies if it's available. And I can also see the NuGet commands, by typing in dotnet NuGet. So that's available. Now, there are two ways to install the dotnet C L I. One way is via Visual Studio. So I use the Visual Studio installer and make sure that I have one of the proper workloads installed. I'll show you how to do that later in this course. What we're going to look at here, is how to install it with the dotnet S D K. I'm looking at forward slash download. There are several versions of dotnet here. Dotnet core and dotnet, the new version. At the time I'm recording this, dotnet five is the latest version. So I would click here to download the dotnet S D K. In my case, it'd be a 64 bit version. I'll…
