From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager
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Install other package versions - NuGet Tutorial
From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager
Install other package versions
- [Instructor] By adding the version switch to the install-packages command, we can install alternate versions of a package. First, let's review this command that shows us all the available packages. So, I'm searching on I'm calling find-package, looking for Automapper, the exactmatch, and then I want all the version information. Then I take that information using this PowerShell script foreach of that. Read this information in the version sub collection, and then output that to a separate line. This shows all the available versions. For some reason, the information I get back from this PowerShell call has four items We're going to be working with the first three. The next thing is to look at what I currently have installed in my projects. For that, I'll use get-package. And I can see that Automapper is installed in TinyConsole.Core, which I am currently looking at. And I have version 10.1.1. So, I…