From the course: .NET Deep Dive: NuGet Package Manager

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Install a package with CLI

Install a package with CLI

- [Instructor] I am ready to try installing a package from PowerShell into this TinyConsole.Core. So currently, you see I have no packages installed. In dependency, there's nothing inside this csproj file. Now switch to MyTerminal. I'm currently in the root folder, I'm in the source folder, so I'll need to change directory. Press the Tab key to get a list of possible sources or possible destination folders. I'll keep pressing that until I see the one I want. There it is. And now I will maximize my window. The syntax is dotnet. Then I want to add a package, and then I give it the package ID. It's restoring some packages. It tells me that AutoMapper is compatible with all the specified frameworks in the project. That's good. And then it tells me that AutoMapper version 10.1.1 was added to the csproj file. So that looks like success. Let's switch over to Visual Studio and verify. This looks like it was successful.…
