From the course: Docker on Azure

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Find and fix container instance failure

Find and fix container instance failure

From the course: Docker on Azure

Find and fix container instance failure

Hello, and welcome to this demonstration on finding and fixing container instance failures. Here are the steps that we will go through. We'll start by deploying a container group with faults introduced. We'll then troubleshoot and fix the issue using the tools provided in Azure. The information necessary to follow along with this demonstration can be found in the GitHub repository of this course, and that would be in the chapter-05 folder and video-02. Let's get started with creating a container group with fault introduced. First, I'll copy the set of commands to set the necessary variables. I'll be doing this in the Azure Cloud Shell. So I'll go ahead and I'll paste that. That sets the variable for the resource group and for the location. So the next thing that I'll do is I'll create a YAML file. So we'll be using this for the container group deployment. That opens up the code editor. I'll go ahead and copy the contents that's provided, and I'll paste that into the file. And I'll use…
