From the course: Docker on Azure

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Azure container options

Azure container options

From the course: Docker on Azure

Azure container options

Hello, and welcome to this video on Azure Container Options. The containerization process consists of three primary stages. The first stage is building container images, which is known as the Build Time. The second stage involves storing the images in a distribution location, and this is referred to as the Ship Time. And the third stage involves running the container images in a runtime environment. This is called the Runtime. Azure offers various services to support these three stages of containerization. Let's take a quick look at these. When it comes to building container images, we could use a Docker VM in Azure. A Docker VM is a virtual machine with Docker installed. We can either select a marketplace virtual machine image with Docker already pre-installed, or we could create a virtual machine and install Docker on it ourselves. This option gives us control over the environment where images are built. The second option is Azure Container Registry Tasks, which is a feature of the…
