From the course: Docker Essential Training
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Introduction to container networking - Docker Tutorial
From the course: Docker Essential Training
Introduction to container networking
- [Instructor] Docker has a very strong networking model. Connecting containers with each other into the outside world is very easy to do with Docker. You can even customize the underlying network technology used by your containers. However, networking within containers works a little differently than you might be used to. This is a simplified diagram of a typical networking session on your computer. The content on this page was sent from a server somewhere in the LinkedIn Learning data center, to a gateway router, possibly also within their data center. These packets hopped from router to router until they made it to your router at home. Upon arrival, your router sent these packets to a network interface card, or a NIC, on your machine. Your operating system picked up these packets, looked at them, noticed, hey, this is HTML, and some other web stuff, and sent them right along to your browser, with a few extra steps along…
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Introduction to container networking2m 23s
Creating Docker networks with bridge-mode networking14m 5s
Exposing container ports between containers11m 39s
Sharing a host's network with host mode networking5m 49s
Disabling networking with the none driver2m 16s
Advanced network drivers and network plugins10m 25s