From the course: Digital Transformation: A Toolkit for Non-Programmers
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What are big data and the data lake?
From the course: Digital Transformation: A Toolkit for Non-Programmers
What are big data and the data lake?
- [Instructor] The way that data has transformed recent years is remarkable. In the last 20 years, we've gone from the world of mainframes, data warehouses, tabular or structured data, asking about what happened in our analysis, simple graphs and simple reporting to a world of cloud computing, unstructured data, asking the question, what will happen in our analysis? Data visualization and dashboarding. The main trigger for the new data environment is the data lake. For businesses and individuals, the increase in computer processing power, cloud storage capacity and use, network connectivity are towing the current flood of data generated into a tidal wave, fueling the term big data. To understand the size of this tidal wave, consider that there are over 40 million WhatsApp messages sent per minute, 31 million daily emails. The question then becomes, where is the best place to store the data? A laptop, typically, can hold…