From the course: Digital Transformation

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The digital revolution

The digital revolution

- To understand the pace of change of the digital revolution that's upon us, let me begin with a story. The best performing stock of the 1980s in the U.S. stock market was Circuit City. The company had revolutionized customer experience in the consumer electronic space. And during the 1980s, when high fidelity sound systems and VHS players and computers were becoming more popular, being able to see how all these items and associated peripheral technology to enhance the experience of each was quite helpful. Mind you, the company only went public in 1984, so the more than 8,000% return on the stock that decade was all the more remarkable, as it came in less than six years. The centerpiece of the company's success was superior customer service. In the 1990s, the company used its financial power to start other companies, including a technology firm, a bank, and a company you probably have heard of, CarMax. The latter is now a 16 billion dollar company. In 2001, Circuit City was featured…
