From the course: DevOps Foundations: Your First Project

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Running your test with Selenium

Running your test with Selenium

Right on! Let's use our "docker compose run" command from earlier to see what's changed. Remember, if you get this error, that means that you need to rebuild your container image before running our unit test. So to fix that, all we need to do is just add "--build" before or after the "--rm". And boom! Our tests are passing again. Here's a sweet trick. The Selenium service we created exposes something called a VNC server. You can think of VNC as a way of being able to drive or use a computer remotely, very similar to Remote Desktop, if you've used that before. If you have VNC installed on your system, you can see Selenium drive the browser while the test is running. Let me show you how. Now, since I'm on a Mac, I can use the screen sharing application which supports VNC. If you're on Windows, there are two VNC clients that I recommend in particular. Let's take a look at them. The first client that I'd recommend is called RealVNC, and you can get to it by typing "" in the…
