From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile

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Lean and agile in DevOps

Lean and agile in DevOps

- At this point, DevOps is over a decade old. It's come a long way over the years, and has its roots in the principles of Agile and Lean. - It was at the Agile Conference in 2008 where Andrew Shafer and Patrick Debois started a conversation about Agile infrastructure, after Patrick's presentation on Agile infrastructure and operations. - At the time, Agile infrastructure was an idea to develop infrastructure in the same way developers had been building their code, in an Agile way. Patrick went on from there to found the first devopsdays conference in Ghent, Belgium. - [Host 2] If you're new to DevOps, here's how we've defined it at - [Host 1] DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design, through the development process, to production support. - [Host 2] Tom Limoncelli, the author of "The Practice of Cloud System…
