From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
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Implementations of lean - Jira Tutorial
From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
Implementations of lean
- Welcome back. While lean got started in the manufacturing world, its benefits were quickly adopted in other areas. The first was product management. Toyota was using lean techniques in product development, even as it took hold in manufacturing. Fulfilling customer demand for more variation was as important as an efficient production line to Toyota's success. Lean product development is characterized by independent teams of experts integrated from multiple disciplines, empowered to pull their own work and using visual work management tools. This combination has been found to increase the rate of innovation and new product development. And it kind of sounds like a team with front and back end developers, operations engineers, PMs, and other disciplines pulling from a backlog and using a kanban board, as is pretty typical for a DevOps organization, doesn't it? There's a lot to lean product development and it can be…
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