From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
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DevOps phase 3: Bigger changes - Jira Tutorial
From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
DevOps phase 3: Bigger changes
- We'd come through phase two of our lean and agile dev ops implementation at Red 30 Tech. Remember while this specific story is fictional, it's composed of real experiences that Karthik and I have had during similar implementations at a variety of companies - We had proven our approach on one project, and then other projects organically adopted our approach and platform. It was time for us to take this wider to the rest of our department. - So that's what we did. We had integrated devs and ops onto our initial Greenfield team, but otherwise we still had a big separate ops team. - While my dev teams appreciated all the hard work that the ops team did, our analysis showed that they were still the bottleneck for many of our projects. One ops team trying to serve 10 dev teams wasn't working, and our value stream map reflected the wait time we were experiencing - This was efficient from a local optimization point of…
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Welcome to Red 30 Technologies2m 54s
DevOps phase 1: Getting started building4m 32s
Measuring success3m 54s
Learning and adapting4m 44s
DevOps phase 2: Building some more4m 31s
Advanced measurement5m 30s
Overcoming setbacks4m 48s
DevOps phase 3: Bigger changes4m 33s
Building a culture of metrics3m 19s
Continuous learning4m 48s