From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
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Building a culture of metrics - Jira Tutorial
From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
Building a culture of metrics
- Now, we were faced with the question of how we'd establish a culture of metrics for our department going forward. - One of our first steps was to set measurable goals for the entire department. We worked with our business counterparts to define what was important to our users and our internal stakeholders. - [Ernest] They wanted us to have SLA commitments around performance, availability, delivery speed, customer support, and percentage of our time spent on new features, versus maintenance. - We didn't split these up and say, "Ops has the availability SLA." These became common goals for the entire department. - We also started making sure everyone took a visibility-first approach to their metrics. We had the ops platform team create some dashboards that all teams could use to publish their SLA-attainment. - [Karthik] For each of our SLAs, we decided on metrics, and put them on a public dashboard that everyone in the…
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Welcome to Red 30 Technologies2m 54s
DevOps phase 1: Getting started building4m 32s
Measuring success3m 54s
Learning and adapting4m 44s
DevOps phase 2: Building some more4m 31s
Advanced measurement5m 30s
Overcoming setbacks4m 48s
DevOps phase 3: Bigger changes4m 33s
Building a culture of metrics3m 19s
Continuous learning4m 48s