From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
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Agile methodologies: Scrum and kanban - Jira Tutorial
From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
Agile methodologies: Scrum and kanban
- Now, let's take a look at the different methodologies we might use while being agile and common terminology used in agile development. There are many methodologies that are used in the agile landscape. These include extreme programming, called XP for short, Scrum, Kanban, Dynamic Systems Development Method, Feature-Driven Development, Lean, Scrumban, Rational Unified Process, also known as RUP for short, and a few others. You might be surprised to hear that there are so many implementations of agile and wonder which one to pick. While there are similarities between all of these approaches, some are more adaptive, with fewer rules to follow, versus more prescriptive, which have more rules, activities, and artifacts to follow. All approaches have a varied degree of roles or participants involved, artifacts or deliverables, activities, or units of work and workflow. For example, RUP is an entire framework that covers all…
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