From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
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Advanced measurement - Jira Tutorial
From the course: DevOps Foundations: Lean and Agile
Advanced measurement
- The core team was working well together at this point. And adding a scrum master helped the team stay on track. - And adding a release manager with her motto of always be shipping, kept stakeholders in the loop and showed progress. - A scrum master solved many outstanding issues that the team had run into. On the estimation front, our teams had trouble estimating how long features would take. Initially tickets were estimated in hours, but the number of hours used wasn't very accurate unless they were very small tasks. - In more than once the team spent a lot of time bike shedding about whether a specific large task was 25 or 30 hours to do. In the end, it's just a large task and the variance up front and that estimate didn't matter much. Instead of using hours, we initially pivoted to using t-shirt sizing for estimates as a first step. We used small, medium, large, and extra large shirt sizes to size the…
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Welcome to Red 30 Technologies2m 54s
DevOps phase 1: Getting started building4m 32s
Measuring success3m 54s
Learning and adapting4m 44s
DevOps phase 2: Building some more4m 31s
Advanced measurement5m 30s
Overcoming setbacks4m 48s
DevOps phase 3: Bigger changes4m 33s
Building a culture of metrics3m 19s
Continuous learning4m 48s