From the course: Developing Your Leadership Philosophy
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Overcoming common obstacles
From the course: Developing Your Leadership Philosophy
Overcoming common obstacles
- As you roll out your leadership philosophy and share it with others and try to live it on a daily basis, you're going to run into some obstacles. This is challenging stuff. Some of the most common obstacles. First is if you really didn't get to the emotional side of things with your maxims as you created them. A warning sign on that is if you read your maxims, and you don't get excited and smile or get disappointed when you think about those painful stories. If you don't feel those maxims emotionally, you're at risk of not living up to them because they're going to be much more cerebral, and you're going to be able to logic your way into not living up to the maxims. So that's the first pitfall is not making them emotionally resonant for you. Second, when you explain them to the members of your team, if you don't live up to them, you need to be open to being called on it. So that translation between here's my philosophy and here are the behaviors you should see from me as a leader…
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