From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader
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The epic win of the creativity-thinking leader
From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader
The epic win of the creativity-thinking leader
- An epic win is an outcome that is so extraordinarily positive that you didn't believe it was possible until you achieved it. From instilling the practices that will help you to shift from self-doubt, ignite your creative spark, up-level your creative problem solving, and cultivate collective creativity, you'll be impressed at how your creativity and that of your teams strengthens and expands with encouragement and practice. And with your increased confidence, you'll be able to step into fully your power and to own your role. What's more, you'll embody great leadership by taking people beyond where they want to be to where they ought to be while inspiring them to do more and become more. Developing a creativity mindset has the potential to create an ultimate epic win for you, your workforce, and your organization as a whole. If you've enjoyed this course and you want to see more on creativity, check out my other…
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