From the course: Developing for Microsoft Teams
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Connectors - Microsoft Teams Tutorial
From the course: Developing for Microsoft Teams
- [Instructor] Incoming Webhooks are a way of getting a really quick connection set up but it's up to the team owner to configure and there's no central control over it and we can't put it into the app catalog or the App Store. Office 365 Connectors are a more formal way of achieving the same kind of thing and Connectors aren't just for Teams, they work across Microsoft 365 so once you've set them up, they can be used in lots of places and you can distribute them as part of your Team's App package as well as Microsoft Teams Office 365 Connectors work with Outlook and also in the Power Platform and Logic Apps. In this video though, we're going to very quickly talk about Connectors as they relate to Teams. There are already hundreds of Connectors written and available in the App Store so before you go ahead and start building something, it's well worth checking that there isn't one already available. Once you have a…