From the course: Determining Market Size for Your Product or Service

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Skincare market case study: Market definition

Skincare market case study: Market definition

- Yeah, we're going to use an example, to walk you through this. And I picked the company called Organic Male. Organic Male is great. They are a skin care company dedicated for men, right? So it's kind of a niched market, a great example of helping define an industry in a market all the way down through the sizing, right? And here's their product right here. And they have a full line of products, including hair care and skin care, all dedicated for men, right? So, great market, now, like what industry are they in? Let's ask the first question what industry, the very highest level, and they are defined to be in the cosmetics industry. Now, you wouldn't think that on first glance, cosmetics, sounds a little bit strange, but again, at the very highest level definition, that's actually where their place. So we're going to carry them through, in step two, to narrowing this down and coming up with their sub-segment. Step two…
