From the course: Designing Learning Experiences in the Metaverse

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- With a face-to-face role play in a classroom setting, there are some issues. For one, the environment is often nothing like the actual environment in which the person will be performing their role. If a uniform is involved, the role play participants typically aren't dressed correctly, and the experience often feels far from real. But conducting a role play in the metaverse can be completely different. The space in which the learner is enacting the role can look exactly the same as the physical real life environment. The person's avatar can be dressed exactly like they would on the job, and the entire situation can be highly realistic. This realism creates an authentic role play environment, where the learner feels that they are in the actual situation. This helps to make the learning highly realistic. A good design for a role play event is to provide a minimal script, with a few guidelines and specific objectives,…
