From the course: Designing Emotion: How to Use Design to Move People

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Human emotions and cultural systems

Human emotions and cultural systems

(fun upbeat music) - If you're a designer like me, it may feel like the only emotion that a client is interested in is joy. It's understandable, right? I mean, it's a positive emotion. It's easy to show, but there is a world of different emotions for us to use, things that are authentic and real that go beyond joy. Every single culture on the planet has started to define certain smaller emotions, things that frankly you may have felt in the past as well. For instance awumbuk, the feeling of emptiness after visitors leave your house. Brabant, this is such a US thing, the fun of pushing someone's buttons to see how far you can go before they snap. (theatrical music) Ilinx from France, the strange excitement of wanton destruction. (hard rock music) Torschlusspanik from Germany, the fretful feeling that time is running out. Perhaps you've had that on a few projects that you've worked on. I know I have. This is the palette of emotions that a designer has to work with, but it's really only…
