From the course: Demystifying Advanced and Complex Security Topics

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- One of the most feared type of security threats is ransomware. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files on a device or network, holding them hostage until a ransom is paid, usually in some form of cryptocurrency. Ransomware attackers are no longer satisfied with just locking down your files. Now, they often threaten to release sensitive data to the public, or even report you to regulators if the ransom isn't paid, doubling down on their extortion efforts. This not only complicates a decision to pay the ransom, but also puts personal and corporate reputations at risk. While it may seem daunting, understand that, at its core, ransomware, it's still just malware, and that will help you in crafting effective defenses. We'll cover everything from basic resiliency controls to ransomware-specific countermeasures. Ransomware operates by infiltrating systems in ways similar to other malware, through phishing emails, exploiting vulnerabilities, or malicious downloads. This means…
