From the course: Delivery Tips for Speaking in Public

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Own the space you're presenting in

Own the space you're presenting in

- The majority of communication, including public speaking, is nonverbal. Yet, most of us spend the bulk of our prep time thinking about what to say during the presentation. Rarely when I ask the question, "How did you prepare for this presentation?" does a speaker respond that they focused on their nonverbals. But here's the thing, people are paying close attention to the signals you nonverbally send. If you want to signal confidence in yourself and your message, you've got to be comfortable navigating your space. Preview the venue before your presentation day if you can. If you can't physically see it, ask for pictures or a diagram of the room's layout. If you can get in the room, schedule some time to practice your delivery there. The more at home you are with the space, the more natural you'll appear to your audience. Once you've seen your venue, you can start planning. If the setup involves a podium, you want to know this in advance. Are you expected to stand behind it the whole…
