From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch

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Young professional with a pitch example in a virtual setting

Young professional with a pitch example in a virtual setting

From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch

Young professional with a pitch example in a virtual setting

- Now let's see how a personal pitch can relay warmth and competence in an online setting. This setting may limit your ability to communicate your energy, so be sure to set up your environment and practice in your online setting before you take your call. Susan has worked in investment banking for years and she's looking to make a switch into wealth management. She's talking to an executive from a small boutique firm online and she is in her home office. As you watch Susan, notice how she interacts in this virtual setting. Does she sound conversational instead of technical? Is she humbly bragging about her accomplishments? Does she seem engaged to you? And how does her environment look? - Hi Miguel, thanks for taking my call. - Yeah, absolutely. You know, Paolo spoke very highly of you. Now, he gave me a little bit of background on your experience, but why don't you tell me a little bit more about yourself. - Paolo's…
