From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch
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Warmth in your pitch delivery verbals
From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch
Warmth in your pitch delivery verbals
- Studies show that people judge warmth first and they'll decide if they like us and trust us before considering if we can deliver on anything. Because of this, let's look at how we can be mindful of what we say and how we say it so that we can project warmth when someone asks us the tell me a little bit about you question. Let's begin with the big picture of what you're communicating. We'll want to start with a clear theme and a story. Having a theme to your introduction is always helpful, that thing that you want people to walk away knowing about you. Are you a people person who values interaction first? Are you energized by problem-solving? Or do you present yourself as a change agent? Keep that in mind as you come up with your personal pitch. Story can also help your personal pitch. It's okay to disclose some of your heritage, your upbringing, or your personal convictions as long as their appropriate for the…
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