From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch
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Demonstrating competence in action
From the course: Delivering an Authentic Elevator Pitch
Demonstrating competence in action
- When it comes to demonstrating competence, a few details can make a big difference. You want to pay attention to the signals sent by visuals and verbals that enhance the speaker's credibility. To start off, listen to this pitch, then pause the video and write down two to three vocal tendencies that the speaker, Miguel, can improve on. - (sighs) So the reason I'm interested in corporate finance is, um, I can leverage experience from my years in finance and accounting in, with a large corporation coupled with, you know, I, my experience in strategic finance academy and all the networking I sort of did there. - What did you hear first? Did they sound credible? Was the tone appropriate and the words clear? Remember that over the phone, none of your facial expressions and gestures are communicated with a message. The focus is entirely on the tone of your voice. This speaker is enthusiastic about what they do. They talk…
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