From the course: Decision-Making Strategies

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Communicating, executing, and measuring

Communicating, executing, and measuring

From the course: Decision-Making Strategies

Communicating, executing, and measuring

- Once a decision has been made, it must be communicated, executed, and then you have to measure it. Additionally, you need to adjust once you get new information. In terms of communication, be sure to articulate what the decision was, who made the decision, and why the decision was made. Let the organization know the goal of the decision was to drive this metric. Also tell them, "Here's how we're going to measure the success of this decision." And to the extent you're able to, identify events or information that might lead you to reverse the decision you've already made. Put in place those trigger points to say, "We need to go back and rethink this thing." Second, think through execution and the risks that come along with it. Just because a decision has been made doesn't mean it gets executed by the organization. Sometimes you'll see passive aggressive behavior where people aren't doing the work. Or it's been a…
