From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Wrangling dirty data in Excel with Power Query

Wrangling dirty data in Excel with Power Query - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

Wrangling dirty data in Excel with Power Query

All right. So welcome to module 2.1. This is the data wrangling example. And so I'm going to write that here data wrangling and we're going to talk about what we're really trying to solve here. And then we're going to get into Power Query and use the tool and you're going to see how awesome it is. So here's a process that happens. All right. So maybe it's a data warehouse, maybe it's a person, and, you know, they got to send you these files. So they are not happy. Okay. So they're sending you an Excel sheet each month, let's say. So this is our Excel sheet. And notice we have a worksheet tab here just to indicate that this is an Excel file. Okay. So they're sending this to you and you would like to create a step by step process to fix a lot of the problem data in it. So that would get you to your finished state. And the thing about that step by step process, the issues that you have are things like let me just show you just to give you an example. So some of the issues that you might…
