From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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What M code is and where to find it

What M code is and where to find it

In this lesson I'm just going to quickly show you kind of the way Power Query thinks, and it naturally lends itself from the last module talking about the different steps. So we have these different steps here. What I'm going to have you do is you can go to view and I like the idea of you having this on even if you're never going to do any coding, but you're going to go to Formula Bar in the View tab and click that. And what that's going to do here is it's going to actually show the formula bar and the formula bar represents at every step there's a formula that's being written on your behalf. So in a sense it's recording it for you. I don't like to think about it that way. Rather, what I like to think about is you're telling it what to do and it's just creating the series of steps for you. So I don't want you to think about it like a macro recorder. Rather, there's multiple ways to do this. Both of them are synonymous with one another. Whether you choose to do it by a code or you…
