From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Using the File from Folder feature

Using the File from Folder feature

Okay. So let's go ahead and get started on this. Okay. So what I'm going to do is I am starting in my module four folder. I'm going to right click and go to new and create a new Excel worksheet. And this one, we will call it come finding files like that. Go ahead and hit Okay. I'm going to open it up. So we're going to start with a fresh, clean file where everything's going to be dropped into. And then I'm going to go ahead and click data over here. And where it says get data I'm going to click that. Where it says from file, I'm going to select from folder. So kind of a weird name from file from folder. Not exactly the most well named, well-organized, but the functionality is really cool. All right. So if you get confused while watching this, I would just suggest you just watch it as many times as possible and then try it as many times as you can. And if I'm being honest with you, you know, it took me a few times to really get it, but I'm going to focus on exactly what you need to…
