From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Using the Column from Example feature

Using the Column from Example feature

So the last activity I want to show you is called column from example. And what I'm going to do here is I'm going to hold shift. I'm going to click all the way through job category. I'm going to right click and hit remove columns because I just want to remove those columns for this step. Okay. So and then we have the last name right here. I'm going to move that back and that's fine. So what I want to show you here with column by example is that there is kind of a macro recorder in power query, but it's not necessarily this. So let's say there is something you wanted to do, but you didn't know how to do it right. You're like, I need to figure out how to, in the barest, easiest example, right, would be how to pull the domain out of this email. So I'm going to click on email because that's the column I'm interested in and I'm going to the add column tab and I'm going to click column from examples and I'm going to click from selection and not all columns. So we're going to insert that…
