From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Sending feedback to Microsoft

Sending feedback to Microsoft

All right. So the last feature that I really want us to take a look at and be very familiar with is not something that requires any real brain energy. But let's say you're using this and something doesn't really work, right? And by that I mean Excel is shipping monthly now. So Power Query is still a new technology. But you know, it's not like three years going through all these different standards. When things are ready to go, they ship them. And what happens in the real world is sometimes your data is different or they haven't seen things. If you have the diagnostic data turned on, which I'm sure many of you do if you're using an Office 365 subscription, it's actually capturing your activity. So if it crashes, a lot of that gets sent to Excel. But if you really are using this Power Query and you're like, Wow, this is really cool, or I would want this new feature or I hate this process. For instance, like the one I said, adding an index column. What I could do is I can go up here and…
