From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Editing the sample file

Editing the sample file

Okay. So we are now back in Power Query. There's a lot of stuff in front of us. So I'm going to give you a bit of a tour of what's going on and I'm going to tell you where to focus so you don't get confused or distracted. All right. So first thing is I am going to start over here in the query section. So you see there's a lot of stuff going on here and I know that might seem daunting. But what I want you to do is actually ignore parameter, ignore sample file and ignore transform data. Not that you can't do anything with those, but for what we need, that's Power Query stuff. We're not going to even touch it. In fact, I can just click that down arrow there and get rid of it. The only thing that we are interested in is this table called data folder in this table called transform file. So let's start with the data folder. This is called data folder because the name of our folder was data folder. So this represents the combined files all in one table. And actually, if we look at this table…
