From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

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Combining multiple data sources using Merge Query

Combining multiple data sources using Merge Query - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Data Wrangling in Excel with Power Query

Combining multiple data sources using Merge Query

Hello everyone. Welcome back to your Power Query training. We are now going to be talking about what we can do with different data sets and specifically merging different data sets. So let's say and this happens out in the real world, we have a CSV that comes in, right? So a comma, separated value file and maybe we have an old Excel file, an XLS file that's coming in and we have some spreadsheet or some requirement to report out some findings. Right. And I'm just going to make this a magnifying glass to signify findings. So we actually have these two different file types. So in the past you could do it first, you could do it the manual way. So if we call one the manual way right here, the manual way was just like, you know, copying a lot of copying and pasting, right? So we'll do a Control C, control V and then after a while when we really either we hired someone or we became really smart, what we did is we used VBA and there are a lot of different methods to open different files in…
