From the course: Data Visualization Tips and Tricks

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When to map geographic data

When to map geographic data

- [Instructor] There's a temptation, wherever you have geographic data, to put it into a map. Now, in some cases that can be a really good choice and can enhance your visualization. But other times, it can actually be a hindrance to understanding what's going on in the data. We're going to look at two examples. One, where a map is a good choice of the visualization, and the other, where it's actually hurting our understanding. We'll also talk about one particular thing you have to bear in mind with colors, with mapping. So first of all, let's just build a map. So we're going to do a field map, where each state is going to be colored by the amount of sales that that state's produced. This is a common kind of visualization that you tend to see with a map. We color in each state by a particular value. The darker the color indicates the higher the value that we're encoding. Now the problem is, is that when we look at this…
